So you have a new boat? Thinking of buying a new boat? Before taking to the helm make sure you are safe, that you know how to protect your passengers and other boaters from risk and harm and to respect the environment.
You learned the "Rules of the Road" before you sat behind the wheel of a car-and you should do the same before boarding your boat.
Gordon Bay Marine wants to help. Through out the summer we will be hosting courses that will guide you along with the Basic Boating Skills you will need.
Learning the basics of boat operation and boat safety is best done before your first trip to the launch ramp.
A few courses at Gordon Bay this spring & summer include :
The PCOC Course: A 4 hour in class session that will give you 3 hours of practical information to prepare you to write your 1 hour Pleasure craft exam.
Transport Canada regulations require power boat operators to have a Pleasure Craft Operators Card.
Transport Canada regulations require power boat operators to have a Pleasure Craft Operators Card.
You will then be legally able to drive a boat..But will you be comfortable sitting at the helm?
Some Courses that will give you the feeling of comfort:
For the Youth we will host-The Youth On The Water Course: 2 hour in class practical & 2 hour dockside.
For the Women we will host-The Women On The water Course: 2 hour practical & 2 hour dockside.
For Everyone we will host Courtesy Checks-To make sure you have all the proper safety equipment on board.
Demo Days on Malibu's, Bayliners, Boston Whalers & the Harris Flotebote (which is just being introduced to the Muskoka area) will be held on different weekends during the summer months.

Demo Days another great way to get out on the water and gain even more knowledge from our experienced sales personnel.
Stay tuned to our Facebook Page, Website and Blog for dates,times & cost for the courses that are being offered.
Dates for Demo days will also be available on these sites.
We will also be attending the In Water Boat Show & Ribfest at the Gravenhurst Wharf, which is always great fun!
If there is a course you would like us to host or a specific boating question you might have, please leave a comment below and we will be sure to do our best to accommodate or answer your questions.
At Gordon Bay Marine We Sell Fun!!
Tips For Keeping it FUN!!
- Learn all you can about the operation of your vessel and the waterways in which you will be traveling
- Be constantly aware of changing weather and water conditions and the actions of other boaters
- Demonstrate knowledge and leadership by wearing your lifejacket or PFD and asking all your passengers to do the same
- Don't cruise with booze
Looking forward to an awesome safe season on the water!
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